
piątek, 6 stycznia 2023

Ogłoszenia 6.01.2023 r.

1. Call for papers: Translucent Justice? Transparency and International Courts and Tribunals (Luksemburg, październik 2023 r.)
24 października br. w Luksemburgu odbędzie się konferencja "Translucent Justice? Transparency and International Courts and Tribunals".
Wystąpienia mogą dotyczyć następujących tematów:
I. Transparency as a Notion
  • Relation of transparency with theories of adjudication, justice, fair trial, etc.
  • Historical, critical and comparative perspectives (different legal systems and cultures and stakeholders
II. Transparency and the Exercise of Judicial Function
  • Publicity of judgments and decisions including interlocutory decisions (selection, form, redaction, competing interests).
  • Motivation (content and style), separate and individual opinions versus secrecy of deliberations.
  • Communication related to case law (press releases, case information sheets, fact sheets, etc.).
  • Authorship of decisions (including the role non-judicial actors such as registries and secretariats).
  • Case management.
  • Elaboration of procedural framework (including the procedure to adopt, amendment process, Dialogue, access to provide input by those directly affected, etc.).
  • Third party standing and access.
III. Transparency and Courts as Institutions
  • Selection process of judges and members.
  • Court management and administration including managerial practices, procedure relating to court committees and oversight including misconduct and disciplinary procedures (both internal and external, including the work of other institutional actors).
  • External relations and outreach (including social media practices).
Zgłoszenia (abstrakt proponowanego wystąpienia o objętości 400-600 słów) należy przesyłać do 25 stycznia br.
Planowana jest publikacja pokonferencyjna.
Więcej informacji można znaleźć tutaj.

2. Call for papers: Journal of Law, Market and Innovation
Redakcja Journal of Law, Market and Innovation zaprasza do przesyłania zgłoszeń do specjalnego numeru poświęconego tematyce "Space laws and regulations. What role for public and private international law?".
Dwie najważniejsze kwestie, które powinny poruszać wystąpienia to:
  • First, the role of space activities to rethink and reshape the principle of state sovereignty, as traditionally conceived;
  • Second, whether and how a legislative intervention, at any level, is needed to regulate innovation and technology in connection to private space-related economic activities.
Zgłoszenia należy przesyłać do 8 stycznia.
Więcej informacji można znaleźć tutaj.

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