
piątek, 17 lutego 2023

Ogłoszenia 17.02.2023 r.

1. Call for papers: Methodologies for socio-technical approaches to legal research (Haga, maj 2023 r.)
23 maja br. Uniwersytet w Amsetrdamie i T.M.C. Asser Institute organizują warsztaty dla doktorantów pt. "Methodologies for socio-technical approaches to legal research".
Więcej informacji na temat problematyki wydarzenia można znaleźć tutaj.
Zgłoszenia (abstrakt do 600 słów wraz z krótkim CV) należy przesyłać do 15 marca br.

2. Call for papers: The De-legalization of International Law: Social Science Perspectives (Aix-en-Provence, sierpień 2023 r.)
Jako wydarzenie towarzyszące 2023 ESIL Annual Conference, ESIL Interest Group on Social Sciences and International Law organizuje 30 sierpnia warsztaty pt. "The De-legalization of International Law: Social Science Perspectives".
Wystąpienia mogą dotyczyć następujących zagadnień:
(1) Processes of de-legalization: participants may explore the processes of de-legalization across the three dimensions of obligation, precision, and delegation and are welcome to address questions such as: How does de-legalization play out in different fields of international law? Have some fields experienced a sharper turn towards de-legalization than others? How do the different levels of de-legalization manifest themselves across different fields and in the practices of different institutions? What kinds of non-legal measures are taken following de-legalization?
(2) Explaining de-legalization: participants may engage with different sets of factors accounting for de-legalization, such as structural changes in the international system (e.g., globalization or polarization); ideological shifts (e.g., rising nationalism or resistance to unequal allocation of international resources); ‘feedback politics’ and changing preferences of judges, states and litigants; behavioral biases arising from the rapid dissemination of misleading information in the media; or the intensified activities of social movements in certain international domains.
(3) Responses to de-legalization: participants are invited to examine various responses addressing the effects and challenges of de-legalization, and explore their promise and perils. What legal and semi-legal mechanisms have been designed to overcome shortcomings and counter the effects of and challenges posed by de-legalization processes? How do different actors cope with or benefit from de-legalization? Are states more inclined to resort to unilateral measures? With regard to international courts, how do they address or maneuver increased resistance? And what promises – and pitfalls – lie in alternatives to international courts, such as hybrid tribunals, truth and reconciliation mechanisms, soft courts, or other forms of dispute settlement, such as mediation or conciliation?
Zgłoszenia (abstrakt do 300 słów wraz z krótką notą biograficzną) należy przesyłać do 10 kwietnia br. do godz. 12 CET.
Więcej informacji można znaleźć tutaj.

3. Call for papers: International Journal of Refugee Law
Redakcja International Journal of Refugee Law zaprasza do przesyłania zgłoszeń do kolejnego numeru czasopisma, poświęconego kwestii płci.
Teksty mogą dotyczyć
  • Particular social group (PSG) and the other four grounds as a basis for gender-related claims, including additional de jure or de facto tests for PSG;
  • Problems in showing that persecution is for reasons of one of the enumerated grounds;
  • Assessment of claims where the persecutor is a non-State actor;
  • Internal relocation/flight alternatives;
  • Credibility assessment;
  • Sufficiency, relevance, and/or ongoing utility of UNHCR’s guidelines;
  • Gender-related aspects of broader refugee definitions, such as those contained in the OAU Convention or Cartagena Declaration;
  • Coherence of refugee jurisprudence with international human rights law.
Osoby zainteresowane publikacją publikacją powinny przesłać abstrakt proponowanego artykułu (wraz z notą biograficzną do 150 słów) do 31 marca br.
Więcej informacji można znaleźć tutaj.

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