
piątek, 28 kwietnia 2023

Ogłoszenia 28.04.2023 r.

1. Call for papers: Trade, Law and Development
Redakcja Trade, Law and Development zaprasza do przesyłania zgłoszeń do kolejnego numeru czasopisma (15.1) poświęconego tematyce “Sustainability and Inclusivity: Evolving Paradigms of the Global Economy”.
Teksty mogą dotyczyć zwłaszcza następujących zagadnień:
  • Trade Rules and Environmental Interactions
  • Environmental Protection Clauses in International Investment Agreements
  • Trade and Human Rights
  • Promoting Entrepreneurship/ Trade Facilitation
  • Trade and Gender Justice
  • Transparency and Good Governance Obligations
  • Sustainable Agriculture
  • Sustainable Fisheries
  • Indigenous Peoples Interaction with International Trade and Investment
  • Sustainable Development Goals
Zgłoszenia należy przesyłać do 8 maja br.
Więcej informacji można znaleźć tutaj.

2. Call for papers: War and Peace in the 21st Century - The Fate of Human Rights (Budapeszt, wrzesień 2023 r.)
W dniach 29-30 września br. w Budapeszcie odbędzie się konferencja "War and Peace in the 21st Century - The Fate of Human Rights".
Organizatorzy proponują, aby wystąpienia dotyczyły następujących tematów:
· right to a healthy environment
· economic rights during energy or economic crises
· human rights of refugees and migrants
· new technologies and their human rights implications
· current challenges for the institutional framework of human rights including regional regimes
· the relationship of human rights to humanitarian law in international and non-international armed conflicts
· domestic and comparative case studies
· implementation and enforcement of human rights obligations
· status of group human rights: language, minorities, indigenous peoples
· human rights provisions of peace treaties
· criticisms of the universal human rights’ regime: cultural relativism, sharia, relevance to contemporary problems, etc.
· the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) as a human rights protection mechanism
Zgłoszenia (abstrakt 150-300 słów) należy przesyłać do 15 czerwca br.
Więcej informacji można znaleźć tutaj.

3. Call for papers: Frames of European Human Rights: How are climate change, migration, and authoritarianism framed within the Council of Europe? (Berlin, listopad 2023 r.)
W dniach 16-17 listopada w Berlinie odbędą się warsztaty pt. "Frames of European Human Rights: How are climate change, migration, and authoritarianism framed within the Council of Europe?".
Wystąpienia mogą dotyczyć następujących zagadnień:
1. What are the frames through which realities of climate change, migration, and authoritarian entrenchment are constructed in European human rights law?
2. Who are the key framing actors of the realities and normativities in the field of climate change, migration and authoritarian entrenchment in European human rights law, and how do their relative power and information or political positionality inform their framings?
3. How and with what consequences do the frames used and promoted by the Council of Europe shift across time?
4. What similarities or differences can we identify when we pay attention to the types and sources of information which dominate framings of realities across climate change, migration and authoritarianism? How do the robustness of evidence and distance to material realities, as well as competing political and economic considerations inform the framing of realities and normativities in these three fields?
5. How are sub-regional, regional or global tensions reconciled in and through such frames? What are the repercussions of the specifically European regional framework of the Council of Europe for the protection of human rights in the context of climate change, migration, and authoritarian entrenchment?
6. What types of reality constructions with what normative effects are included or excluded in such frames? Are frames used and promoted in European human rights law equipped to address climate change, migration and authoritarianism? What alternative frames would be possible?
7. What broader critical insights can be gained from analysing the frames and framers of climate change, migration, and authoritarianism in European human rights law? What are the implications for processes of knowledge production within and about the Council of Europe, and what does this mean for our understanding of and approach to European human rights law?
Zgłoszenia (abstrakt do 500 słów) należy przesyłać do 23 czerwca.
Organizatorzy mogą (w ograniczonym zakresie) pokryć koszty podróży i zakwaterowania.
Więcej informacji do znalezienia tutaj.

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