
sobota, 3 czerwca 2023

Ogłoszenia 3.06.2023 r.

1. Call for papers: Justice in international investment law in a post-ISDS world (Rotterdam, listopad 2023 r.)
W dniach 23-24 listopada br. na Uniwersytecie Erasmusa w Rotterdamie odbędą się warsztaty "Justice in international investment law in a post-ISDS world".
Wystąpienia mogą dotyczyć następujących tematów:
• The institutional architecture and implications of the different reform proposals, including the (re)turn to a full ‘privatization’ of ‘justice’ in investment disputes; What are the salient features of the different proposals advanced so far? Will an ‘institutionalization’ of dispute settlement (e.g., MIC) significantly alter the perception of ‘justice’ of the ISDS system? Will abolishing treaty-based arbitration make contract-based arbitration the default mechanism? What would be the role of mediation and (possibly) facilitation mechanisms?
• The different frameworks and notions of ‘justice’ implicitly or explicitly articulated in the various reform proposals; Justice has been articulated in a variety of forms. Yet, investor-state arbitration has been prominently considered a ‘private’ dispute resolution mechanism. What is the relationship between the dispute resolution function and ‘justice’? What other concepts of justice (e.g., distributive) do or should ISDS reform proposals normatively endorse, considering current global (e.g., climate) challenges? What type of reforms would be needed to entertain those concepts?
• ‘Justice’ for affected stakeholders other than investors or States (e.g., local community-based mechanisms, or ‘transitional’ justice for investment); In whose interests and benefits will justice be delivered in the scenarios proposed thus far? What is the subjective dimension of justice present in the reforms and how is it addressed? What type of mechanisms can we imagine for ‘inclusive’ justice, within and beyond what has been suggested so far?
• ‘Justice’ in the substantive provisions of investment treaties and contracts underlying investment disputes; Procedural mechanisms might well not be able to respond sufficiently to certain ‘justice’ needs and claims in the investment context; what type of substantive reforms are needed to generate a ‘just’ investment environment, both in the relevant treaties and further contractual arrangements (including insurance and financing agreements)?
• ‘Justice’ beyond dispute settlement. Alternatives to the current model of investment and (economic) development: What paradigms of ‘development’ does the current set-up of investment law and arbitration respond to? What other alternatives to FDI can we imagine leading to a ‘just’ path for prosperity? What other (possibly bottom-up) models can be identified in pursuing justice in the context of ‘development’?
Zgłoszenia (abstrakt proponowanego wystąpienia do 500 słów) należy przesyłać do 16 czerwca br.
Planowana jest publikacja pokonferencyjna.
Więcej informacji można znaleźć tutaj.

2. Call for papers: De-centering the history of international organisations (Leuven, listopad-grudzień 2023 r.)
W dniach 29 listopada-1 grudnia br. w Leuven odbędą się warsztaty pt. "De-centering the history of international organisations".
Wystąpienia mogą dotyczyć następujących tematów:
  • How can the de-centering of international and transnational organisations and their archives engender new insights on a broad range of historical topics?
  • How has the recent emphasis in transnational history on disconnections informed methods and project design? What has the concept of disconnections brought to the previous emphasis on connections and flows? How have we managed the relationship between connections and disconnections?
  • The spatialization of transnational history: how can we write an international history from the local level? Conversely, how can we narrate local history by making use of international sources?
  • What new international organisations or networks are brought into view when our starting point is local contexts? How are understandings of what is an international organisation challenged by recent developments in the field?
  • Archiving and archival practices reflect certain internal visions and understandings of the international organisation, shaping the sources with which we can tell stories. How can we challenge and supplement these understandings through alternative source collections or archival projects, and what are the methodological implications of doing so?
  • What are the promises and perils of newer materials such as born-digital materials and what insights do they offer for understanding current forms of international organisation?
Zgłoszenia (abstrakt do 350 słów) należy przesyłać do 4 czerwca br.
Więcej informacji można znaleźć tutaj.

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