
piątek, 1 kwietnia 2022

Ogłoszenia 1.04.2022 r.

1. Call for papers: International Law of Culture in Armed Conflict (sierpień 2022 r.)
W dniu 31 sierpnia br. w formie hybrydowej odbędą się warsztaty pt. "International Law of Culture in Armed Conflict" organizowane przez ESIL IG on International Law of Culture przy okazji ESIL Annual Conference 2021.
Wystąpienia mogą dotyczyć następujących tematów:
  • Is international humanitarian law unable to provide adequate protection to culture in the current conflict?
  • Can the law stop or prevent crimes against individuals, communities, groups and their culture and heritage in conflict-ridden territories?
  • Are there effective tools today to stop such crimes and bring those responsible to justice?
  • How does international law on cyber warfare engage with culture?
  • Is the boycott (or self-restraint) of Russian artists, cultural actors, and academics an appropriate response? What are the legal implications of this type of response?
  • What are the possibilities of cultural cooperation as a means for peace, a promise in the UNESCO Constitution, for before, during, and after conflict?
  • How can the international community promote artistic freedom for those individuals affected by the conflict, for instance through initiatives like ICORN – international cities of refuge network? What are the legalities involved in this type of initiative?
Zgłoszenia (abstrakt do 500 słów wraz z notką biograficzną do 100 słów) należy przesyłać do 25 kwietnia br.
Więcej informacji można znaleźć tutaj.

2. Call for papers: International Criminal Law and Transnational Advocacy: Problematising the International Penal Turn (sierpień 2022 r.)
International Criminal Justice IG organizuje również przy okazji ESIL Annual Conference warsztaty pt. "International Criminal Law and Transnational Advocacy: Problematising the International Penal Turn".
Propozycje wystąpień mogą dotyczyć następujących tematów:
- What types of methodologies are pertinent in studying transnational penal advocacy?
- What are the key connections and cleavages between scholarly debates centring on the domestic penal state and the governance of international society through individual criminal responsibility?
- What is lost and what is gained through framing systemic wrongs such as colonialism, slavery, and environmental destruction through the idiom of crime?
- How are these concerns being addressed in adjacent disciplines?
- To what extent can the Ukraine moment push us to think beyond the reflex of penality?
Zgłoszenia (abstrakt do 300 słów wraz z CV) należy przesyłać do 25 kwietnia br.
Więcej informacji można znaleźć tutaj.

3. Call for papers: Workshop on Surveys and Experiments in International Law and Comparative Law (online, czerwiec 2022 r.)
W dniu 3 czerwca br. odbędą się za pośrednictwem Zooma warsztaty "Surveys and Experiments in International Law and Comparative Law".
Więcej informacji na temat problematyki wydarzenia można znaleźć tutaj.
Zgłoszenia (abstrakt do 300 słów) należy przesyłać do 8 kwietnia br.

4. Call for papers: Nordic jurists and legal internationalism, 1880s-1970s (Kopenhaga/Sztokholm, wrzesień 2022 r./styczeń 2023 r.)
W dniach 12-14 września 2022 r. w Kopenhadze i 26-28 stycznia 2023 r. w Sztokholmie odbędą się warsztaty pt. "Nordic jurists and legal internationalism, 1880s-1970s".
Potencjalne tematy wystąpień to
• Who were the key proponents of international law in Norden between the 1880s and 1970s? What are their commonalities and differences? Which regional and global arenas, institutions and networks shaped their worldview and work?
• May we speak of a particular Nordic legal internationalism, or was it mostly a local replica of broader trends? Which were the dominant intellectual currents that shaped Nordic legal scholars and practitioners of international law, and how may we understand these in relation to the 19th and 20th century development of legal thought?
• How did these individuals understand their own role/s in the development of an international legal order, in particular in relation to their respective national legislatures? Were they to remain, as Alf Ross (1953) contended with reference to the national level, experts focused only on matters “of legal sociology [retssociologiske]” and compromises between the interests of dominant groups (Om ræt og rettfærdighet, 1953, p.421)? Or, ought they have professional positions independent of any type of legislature and influential parties on the question of internationalism? What part should/could moral considerations play, if any, in such positions? Did ideas and practice when it came to their role/s differ and, if so, how and why?
• What understandings and positions existed in relation to the on-going changes to the concept/principle of State Sovereignty among these jurists? How did they conceptualise phenomena like e.g. the ‘international legal order’ and ‘international society’? Was there a particularly Nordic approach to ideas of the rights and duties of sovereign states both to each other and to individuals within their jurisdiction?
• How did international law cement itself in the fabric of Nordic foreign politics? In which ways has it been instrumentalized – either in word or in deed – as part of the Nordics’ conduct on the world stage? Did it have an impact on the timing of Nordic foreign policy rhetoric becoming so-called legalised? Which maladies, dilemmas, contradictions, and/or silences may we discern in the long history of Nordic legal internationalism?
• Is or was there a tradition for Nordic legal internationalism to presuppose the existence of the state or did internationalism turn to ‘supra-nationalism’ at any point? How did Nordic legal internationalism navigate a political ocean where ideas of regional and world federation existed?
• Nordic jurists as a group constituted an elite dominated by men. Which standards, habitus or episteme did this group exhibit/adhere to? What masculinities can we see at play when we study them, and what implications did these have for a possible Nordic legal internationalism? What room was there for marginalised voices (sex, gender, class, geography, ethnicity etc.) to break through in this milieu, if any?
Zgłoszenia (abstrakt 300-400 słów wraz z krótką biografią) należy przesyłać do 1 kwietnia br.
Organizatorzy pokrywają koszty zakwaterowania i podróży.
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