piątek, 4 listopada 2022

Ogłoszenia 4.11.2022 r.

Call for papers: The law applicable to the use of biometrics by armed forces (Amsterdam, maj 2023 r.)
25 maja 2023 r. w Amsterdamie odbędą się warsztaty pt. "The law applicable to the use of biometrics by armed forces".
Wystąpienia mogą poruszać m.in. następujące zagadnienia:
• Applicability of domestic and regional data protection instruments to the use of biometrics in a military context;
• (Comparative) domestic legal regulation of the use of biometrics by armed forces;
• The use of biometrics internal to armed forces and the right to privacy;
• The use of biometrics internal to armed forces and data protection;
• International Humanitarian Law (IHL) applicable to the use of biometrics in military operations and the question whether additional regulation is needed;
• The legal framework for the sharing of biometric information in multinational operations, between operations and outside of operations;
• Rights of persons in mission areas or occupied territories whose biometric data has been captured and stored;
• Potential derogation from human rights and data protection instruments in the context of the use of biometrics in military operations;
• The interaction between IHL and human rights law in the context of the use of biometrics;
• Technical means to ensure compliance with legal requirements;
• Legal aspects of specific use cases of biometrics by armed forces, including the use of biometrics by Ukraine to identify dead Russian soldiers;
• Biometric data as the target of military operations or attacks;
• The use of biometrics by private (military) actors during crisis / armed conflict.
• Development, procurement and deployment of military and dual-use technologies that employ biometric data.
Zgłoszenia (abstrakt 1-2 stron oraz krótkie CV) należy przesyłać do 1 grudnia.
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