1. Call for papers: Legal Infrastructures of Democracy: Legal Fields, Public Spheres, and the Twin Challenges of State and Market (Frankfurt, wrzesień 2023 r.)
W dniach 7-8 września br. we Frankfurcie odbędą się warsztaty pt. "Legal Infrastructures of Democracy: Legal Fields, Public Spheres, and the Twin Challenges of State and Market".
Organizatorzy są zainteresowani zwłaszcza następującymi tematami wystapień:
• Processes undermining or reinforcing the independence/autonomy of legal professions in the judiciary, in law schools and at the bar by State (managerialization, politicization, criminalization, etc) and by market forces (commodification of legal education, deregulation of the legal profession, globalized corporate law firms, etc)
• Corporate and/or executive pressures and interferences in the field of law (advocacy, philanthropy, lawfare, etc) and their translation before national apex courts and European and international courts in the meaningful exercise of core rights (digital rights, reproductive rights, freedom of expression, etc) and/or on the structuring of legal alternatives.
• International organizations, the Europeean Union, and civil society actors as external buttress to the legal field’s autonomy from corporate interests and executives: assessing the actors, techniques, and shortcomings of ‘rule of law & democracy’ policies since the 1970s.
• Actors, milieux, and transnational circulations of ideas and doctrines on the relationship between lawyers, legal fields, and democracy (varieties of constitutionalism, militant democracy, law-and-economics conceptions of democracy, etc) in particular since the 1970s.
Zgłoszenia (abstrakt do 500 słów) należy przesyłać do 13 marca.
Planowana jest publikacja pokonferencyjna.
Organizatorzy pokrywają koszty podróży i zakwaterowania.
Więcej informacji można znaleźć tutaj.
2. Call for papers: Climate changed (legal) geographies: Taking the Law out for a Walk in the Anthropocene (Londyn, sierpień-wrzesień 2023 r.)
W dniach 29 sierpnia-1 września br. w Londynie odbędzie się konferencja pt. "Climate changed (legal) geographies: Taking the Law out for a Walk in the Anthropocene".
Przykładowe tematy wystąpień:
- legal aesthetics in the Anthropocene
- climate injustice in the Anthropocene
- sovereignty in the Anthropocene
- subjecthood in the Anthropocene
- relationality & the ethics of encounter
- rights of nature / rights of man / human rights
- more-than-human legalities
- blue legalities
- critical and postcritical law in the Anthropocene
- law as utopia / dystopia
- indigenous realities in the Anthropocene
- AI & the Law in the Anthropocene
- history & philosophy of law and nature
- legal temporality
- international environmental law
- environmental humanities & the law
- socio-legal futures
Zgłoszenia należy przesyłać do 1 marca br.
Więcej informacji można znaleźć tutaj.
3. Call for papers: Transnational Criminal Law Review
Redakcja Transnational Criminal Law Review zaprasza do przesyłania zgłoszeń do kolejnego numeru czasopisma (vol. 2 issue 2).
Więcej informacji można znaleźć tutaj.
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