piątek, 15 grudnia 2023

Ogłoszenia 15.12.2023 r.

1. Call for papers: Netherlands Yearbook of International Law
Redakcja Netherlands Yearbook of International Law zaprasza do przesyłania zgłoszeń do kolejnego numeru czasopisma (vol. 54), którego tematem przewodnim będzie "General Principles of International Law: More Than a Gap Filler?".
Teksty mogą odpowiadać m.in. na następujące pytania:
• What is the nature of general principles and how can we discern a typology of general principles, e.g., those stemming from domestic legal systems and/or those deriving from the international legal system itself?
• What is(are) the role(s) played by general principles? Are they gap-filling, guidelines for interpretation, etc.?
• What are the methods of their identification? E.g., which and how many legal families need to be considered to make a substantiated claim that something represents a general principle?
• How are general principles interpreted and applied?
• How is the potential evolution of a general principle accounted for and determined both in theory and practice? 
• How do general principles distinguish themselves from other sources of international law, e.g., how does one distinguish between general principles stemming from the international legal system and customary international law?
• How do general principles interact with each other and with rules stemming from other sources of international law?
• What are the implications of using the term ‘principles’ to refer to something that may or may not fall within what is classically understood as a general principle, e.g., principle of good faith, principle of sustainable development, principle of equity, principle of effectiveness, etc.?
Osoby zainteresowane publikacją powinny przesłać abstrakt proponowanego artykułu (do 400 słów) do 14 stycznia 2024 r.
Więcej informacji można znaleźć tutaj.

2. Call for papers: Socio-economic rights and non-discrimination at the intersection of the market, the border, and the welfare state (Lund, maj 2024 r.)
W dniach 27-28 maja 2024 r. na Uniwersytecie w Lund odbędą się warsztaty pt. "Socio-economic rights and non-discrimination at the intersection of the market, the border, and the welfare state".
Wystąpienia mogą dotyczyć m.in. następujących zagadnień:
•Are economic and social rights indeed a source of welfare for everyone, and what kind of welfare do they bring in the market societies of Europe?
•What role do economic and social rights play with a view to the welfare of non-citizens? Are they a means of welfare for non-citizens, or do they remain illusory in that respect?
•How does the enjoyment of economic and social rights differ among non-citizen groups, and based on which considerations, in different European countries?
•How is the right to non-discrimination relevant in this context given that the welfare state creates different categories and groups of people in the distribution of social goods?
•Do non-citizens have effective access to justice for seeking equal enjoyment of welfare through rights-protection?
Zgłoszenia (abstrakt wraz z biogramem) należy przesyłać do 24 stycznia 2024 r.
Więcej informacji można znaleźć tutaj.

3. Call for papers: European Yearbook on Human Rights
Redakcja European Yearbook on Human Rights zaprasza do nadsyłania zgłoszeń do kolejnego numeru czasopisma. Szczególnie mile widziane są teksty dotyczące praw człowieka i europejskich instytucji (np. UE, OBWE, Rada Europy).
Osoby zainteresowane publikacją powinny przesłać abstrakt proponowanego artykułu (do 500 słów) do 20 grudnia br. na adres lisa.heschl@uni-graz.at.

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