piątek, 22 lipca 2022

Ogłoszenia 22.07.2022 r.

1. Call for papers: Caribbean Law Review
Redakcja Caribbean Law Review zaprasza do przesyłania zgłoszeń do numeru specjalnego pt. "Unhealthy Food, Alcohol, Tobacco and the Law”.
Opis tematyki numeru:
Non-communicable diseases (NCDs), such as chronic respiratory illnesses, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and some cancers, are the leading cause of deaths and premature deaths globally. This is particularly evident in the Caribbean region which has the highest NCD mortality rates in the Americas. The Caribbean Law Review plans to publish a special issue on “Unhealthy Food, Alcohol, Tobacco and the Law” in the Spring/Summer of 2023.The goal of this special issue is to take stock of the current state of NCD risk factor regulation and highlight the challenges and potential solutions associated with the adoption or implementation of recommended legal interventions related to these products.
Artykuły (6.000-8.000 słów) należy przesyłać do 31 lipca za pośrednictwem formularza.

2. Call for papers: Psychology, Crime and Law
Redakcja Psychology, Crime and Law czeka na zgłoszenia do numeru specjalnego czasopisma pt. "Cross-cultural issues in psychology and the law".
Teksty mogą dotyczyć następujących tematów:
  • the impact of culture, ethnicity and race on interactions with the criminal justice system
  • the impact of culture, ethnicity and race on clinical and forensic assessment;
  • The impact of culture, ethnicity and race on legal decision-making;
  • The impact of programming and intervention strategies with diverse justice-involved populations.
  • The experiences of minoritized populations who come into contact with the criminal justice system
  • Offending and desistance pathways across diverse populations
  • Cultural sensitivity in psycho-legal practice
  • Racial disparities and bias in criminal justice settings
  • and more.
Artykuły należy przesyłać do 31 grudnia br.
Więcej informacji można znaleźć tutaj.

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