piątek, 23 września 2022

Ogłoszenia 23.09.2022 r.

1. Poznańskie Centrum Praw Człowieka INP PAN zaprasza na gościnny wykład Profesor Magdaleny Kmak (Åbo Akademi University) pt. "Human Rights and Resistance in Mobile Law”, który odbędzie się w dniu 5 października br. o godz. 11:00 w formie hybrydowej.

2. Call for papers: Call for Papers: Improving Inclusiveness of IO Rule-Making
Organizacja Współpracy Gospodarczej i Rozwoju wraz z Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies przygotowują pracę zbiorową dotyczącą problematyki “Improving Inclusiveness of IO Rule-Making”.
Teksty mogą dotyczyć jednego z następujących tematów:
• What actors are systemically excluded from rule-making processes inside IOs and should be brought to the table;
• How should IOs address private actors – such as major companies or civil society organisations – that de facto today have a global reach and increasingly influential roles in their areas of work? Considering them as regular stakeholders may risk giving them extra weight in international rulemaking processes, as they have more resources and dominant view to participate in rulemaking. At the same time, they do not have any democratic legitimacy, that would allow for IOs to “coordinate” with them as peers;
• Successful practices of particular international organizations engaging with multiple stakeholders;
• How to identify and reach the relevant stakeholders, including how to engage with stakeholders that might not want to engage with the organization;
• Challenges faced by stakeholders when wanting to participate in rule-making processes by international organizations;
• Dynamics between international organizations and national levels of decisionmaking: how can the dialogue between international organizations and national parliaments and the judiciary be improved so that the legitimacy of instruments adopted internationally is recognized nationally;
• How to achieve a balance between promoting inclusiveness of international organizations while maintaining the agility of decision-making processes;
• Ways in which the participation of multiple stakeholders can improve the effectiveness of international instruments
Osoby zainteresowane publikacją powinny przesłać abstrakt proponowanego rozdziału (do 500 słów) do 15 października br.
Więcej informacji można znaleźć tutaj.

3. Call for papers: 18th Annual Conference of the European Society of International Law “Is international law fair?” (sierpień/wrzesień 2023 r., Aix-en-Provence)
W dniach 31 sierpnia – 2 września 2023 r. w Aix-en-Provence odbędzie się 18th Annual Conference of the European Society of International Law “Is international law fair?”.
Główne tematy, które zostaną poruszone w czasie konferencji to:
Agora 1: Fairness and International Criminal Law
Agora 2: International Law in the Anthropocene Era: Where is fairness?
Agora 3: Agora proposed by selected ESIL IG
Agora 4: Fairness and Human Rights Law
Agora 5: Fairness, Natural Resources, Shared Resources, and Common Spaces
Agora 6: Fairness and International Litigation Is international litigation fair?
Agora 7: Fairness in the Allocation of Maritime Spaces
Agora 8: Fairness and the Law of International Responsibility
Agora 9: The Law of Investments: Is this still Fairness?
Agora 10: Agora proposed by selected ESIL IG
Agora 11: Fairness and the Guardians of Peace and Security
Agora 12: Fairness and Unfairness in International Health Law
Zgłoszenia (abstrakt do 500 słów i nota biograficzna do 100 słów) należy przesyłać do 31 stycznia 2023 r.
Więcej informacji można znaleźć tutaj.

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