Autor: mgr Kamil Sobański, doktorant w Centrum Digital Justice, działającym na Wydziale Prawa, Administracji i Ekonomii Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego
[1] Zob. Kateryna Hodunova, Zelensky
submits package of bills to parliament to ratify Rome Statute of ICC, The
Kyiv Independent, <,National%20Security%20and%20Defense%20Council>.
[2] Nate Ostiller i The Kyiv
Independent news desk, Ukraine's parliament ratifies ICC's Rome Statute,
The Kyiv Independent, <>.
[3] Zob, np. Amnesty
International, Ukraine: Ratifying the Rome Statute a welcome step, but
limitations must be addressed, <>.
[4] Tom Dannenbaum, Unforced
Error: Article 124 and the Regrettable Caveat to Ukraine’s Proposed
Ratification of the ICC Statute, Just Security, <>.
[5] Zob. obszerną analizę na ten
temat: Kevin Jon Heller, Legal Issues Regarding Ukraine’s Potential Art. 124
Declaration, Opinio Juris, <>.
[6] Andreas Zimmermann, ‘There’s
life in the old dog yet …,’ or: the news of the death of Art. 124 Rome Statute
were premature, EJIL: Talk! Blog of the European Journal of International
Law, <>.
[7] Tamże.
[8] Zob. więcej Andreas Motzfeldt
Kravik, The Assembly of State Parties to the International Criminal Court
Decides to Delete Article 124 of the Rome Statute, EJIL: Talk! Blog of the
European Journal of International Law, <>.
[9] Zob. np. The Economist, Why
does the International Criminal Court not have more support?, <>.
[10] Obecnie pojawiają się głosy przeciwne, wynikające z tego, że światowe mocarstwa nie są w przeważającej części stronami Statutu, zob. Elies van Sliedregt, A New ICC Policy on Complementarity? Let’s Fast Forward to Universal Jurisdiction Allocation, Just Security, <>.
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