czwartek, 28 stycznia 2021

Nowy Numer Polish Yearbook of International Law 39(2019) już w całości dostępny w open access!

 Zapraszamy do lektury na stronie:

W numerze znajdziecie Państwo:  

- wspomnienie Jerzego Menkesa o Andrzeju Wasilkowskim; artykuły Petera Hilpolda (Krzysztof Skubiszewski and the Right to Self-determination: Past and Future); Przemysława Saganka (The Sources of General International Law in the Recent Works of the International Law Commission); Anny Czaplińskiej (International Courts, Unrecognised Entities and Individuals: Coherence through Judicial  dialogue?); Kostiantyna Savchuka (International Law at the Saint Volodymyr Imperial University of Kyiv in the 19th and Early 20th Centuries); Aleksandry Mężykowskiej (Legal Obligations of Poland Regarding the Restitution of Private Property Taken during World War II and by the Communist Regime in Light of the Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights); Anny Wójcik (Reckoning with the Communist Past in Poland Thirty Years After the Regime Change in the Light of the European Convention on Human Rights); Elżbiety Morawskiej (The Principles of Subsidiarity and Effectiveness: Two Pillars of an Effective Remedy for Excessive Length of Proceedings within the Meaning of Article 13 ECHR); Wojciecha Burka (Conformity of the Act on the Polish Card with International Law from the Perspective of the Constitutional Court of  Belarus); Konstantiny Georgaki i Thomasa Nektarios Papanastasiou (The Impact of Achmea on Investor-State Arbitration under Intra-EU BITs: A Treaty Law Perspective); także Łukasza Kułagi (Implementing Achmea: The Quest for Fundamental Change in International Investment  Law ); i Tatsiany Mikhaliovej (Jurisdiction of the Court of the Eurasian Economic Union and Its Role in the Development of the Eurasian Legal Order: One Step Back and Two Steps Forward) i w końcu Dawida Miąsika i Moniki Szwarc (Effectiveness of EU Directives in National Courts – Judicial Dialogue Continues: The Court of Justice’s Judgment in C-545/17 Pawlak).

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