W dniu 28 lutego 2025 r. w Amsterdamie odbędzie się konferencja pt. "The diversification of civilian agency in armed conflict: A legal perspective".
Wystąpienia mogą dotyczyć m.in. następujących zagadnień:
- Do States calling on civilians to participate violate their obligations under the principle of distinction under IHL?
- Are States under an obligation to take precautions under IHL whenever they deploy civilians in defence-related functions?
- How would States employing other parties, such as civilians but also corporate actors, ensure that they uphold their obligation to ‘ensure respect’ for IHL under common article 1?
- Would human rights, and specifically the positive obligations under the right to life, limit how and when States can call on their citizens to take up arms?
- How does the use of companies servicing a belligerent from a third state affect the belligerent and third State’s primary international obligations ?
- Is the current system of state responsibility able to deal with civilians and commercial actors participating in armed conflicts?
- How does the rise of new technologies, such as cyber warfare, influence the actions of these new actors and the corresponding legal framework?
Planowana jest publikacja pokonferencyjna.
Więcej informacji można znaleźć tutaj.
2. Call for papers: Trade, Law and Development
Redakcja Trade, Law and Development zaprasza do przesyłania zgłoszeń do kolejnego numeru (vol. 16.1.) czasopisma poświęconego tematyce “Navigating the Murky Waters of Economic Treaties in International Trade”.
Teksty mogą dotyczyć m.in. następującej problematyki:
- Up-And-Coming Trade Agreements (e.g., Indo-Pacific Economic
- Framework and Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership)
- Understanding The Interplay Between WTO Trade Obligations and PTAs
- PTAs And the Global South
- PTAs And the International Investment Law Regime
- Dispute Settlement Mechanisms in PTAs
- PTAs In a Post-Brexit Eurozone
- Emergence Of FTAs, RTAs And MRTAs
- Understanding Impact Of COVID-19 On PTAs
- PTAs And Sustainable Development Goals
- PTAs And the Regulation of Digital Economies
- Understanding the Relevance of PTAs in a Globalized World Order
- Emergence Of DTAs
Więcej informacji można znaleźć tutaj.