piątek, 12 lipca 2024

Ogłoszenia 12.07.2024 r.

1. Call for papers: SLS International Law Section Event "Teaching International Law in the Digital Era: Discussing the Role of Podcasts and Video Talks in the classroom and beyond" (Londyn, październik 2024 r.)
W dniu 30 października br. w Londynie odbędzie się seminarium pt. "Teaching International Law in the Digital Era: Discussing the Role of Podcasts and Video Talks in the classroom and beyond".
Wystąpienia mogą dotyczyć zwłaszcza następujących tematów:
  • The role of international law teaching and research in the digital era
  • The role of podcasts and video talks in legal education with an emphasis on international law
  • Podcasts and video talks as adequate means of teaching
  • Podcasts and video talks as reference material
  • The role of podcasts and video talks in enhancing the legal skills of university students
  • The role of AI in the production of podcasts and video talks as educational material
  • Academic podcasts and video talks as pieces of evidence before courts and tribunals
Zgłoszenia (abstrakt do 500 słów) należy przesyłać do 20 lipca br.
Więcej informacji można znaleźć tutaj.

2. Call for papers: Journal of Law, Market & Innovation

Redakcja Journal of Law, Market & Innovation zaprasza do przesyłania zgłoszeń do kolejnego numeru czasopisma (nr 1/2025), którego tematem będzie "Data Strategy & Trade Law".
Teksty mogą dotyczyć zwłaszcza następujących tematów:
1. Digital Strategy and Trade Policy
  • The influence of data strategy on the formulation and implementation of trade policies
  • Predictive analytics and big data in shaping trade negotiations and agreements
  • Ethical considerations in using big data for trade policy development
2. Data Protection and Privacy in Trade
  • The interplay between trade laws and data protection regulations (e.g., GDPR, CCPA)
  • Balancing privacy concerns with the free flow of data in international trade
  • Case studies on trade disputes arising from data protection measures

3. Data strategy and Trade Facilitation
  • Legal and policy frameworks supporting the use of big data in trade logistics
  • Case studies on successful implementations of big data technologies in trade facilitation
  • Antitrust and Competition Law

4. E-commerce and Digital Trade
  • Digital Services Act
  • Legal issues related to e-commerce and the cross-border flow of data
  • Trade barriers affecting digital goods and services
  • Policy recommendations for enhancing digital trade through legal reforms
  • Digital fairness for consumers

5. Cybersecurity and Trade
  • The role of trade law in addressing cybersecurity threats in international data exchanges
  • Legal measures to safeguard against cyberattacks targeting trade infrastructure
  • International cooperation on cybersecurity standards and their implications for trade
Osoby zainteresowane publikacją powinny przesłać abstrakt proponowanego artykułu lub projekt artykułu do 22 lipca.
Więcej informacji można znaleźć tutaj.

3. Call for papers: Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law
Redakcja Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law zaprasza do przesyłania zgłoszeń do kolejnego (vol. 28) numeru czasopisma, którego tematem przewodnim będzie "Challenges and Opportunities for the Law of the Sea at a Time of Crisis".
Teksty mogą dotyczyć zwłaszcza następujących tematów:
  • Examination of thematic issues addressed by UNCLOS such as maritime delimitation, the protection and preservation of the marine environment, sea-level rise, and the exploitation and exploration of resources beyond the limits of national jurisdiction;
  • Historical analysis of the work of bodies established by UNCLOS, namely the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf, the International Seabed Authority (ISA), and ITLOS;
  • Relationship between UNCLOS tribunals and other dispute settlement mechanisms, such as the ICJ;
  • The role and competence of ITLOS’ jurisprudence in addressing contemporary global challenges (such as climate change, deep-sea exploitation, and the protection of marine biodiversity and natural resources);
  • Assessment of the BBNJ treaty’s impact on the existing law of the sea machinery and its various institutions;
  • Relationship between the UNCLOS and the UN Climate Change Regime;
  • The perspectives of small islands States on international law’s role in climate change and marine environmental protection;
  • The role of strategic litigation and non-State actors in the development of the international legal regime on marine and climate protection;
  • Questions of decolonization and self-determination in the Law of the Sea;
  • Assessing international law’s competency in protecting persons at sea considering, for instance, migrant and refugee crises, the emergence of ‘climate refugees’, conflict and insurgency, slavery and piracy;
  • Naval warfare and the use of emerging technologies under the law of the sea.
Osoby zainteresowane publikacją powinny przesłać abstrakt proponowanego artykułu (do 500 słów) do 1 sierpnia br.
Więcej informacji można znaleźć tutaj.

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