12 lipca br. na Maynooth University odbędą się w trybie hybrydowym warsztaty pt. "The Contribution of the United Nations War Crimes Commission to International Criminal Law".
Wystąpienia mogą dotyczyć m.in. następujących zagadnień:
- The influence (or potential influence) of the UNWCC to International Criminal Law.
- Lessons learned from the limitations and barriers faced by the UNWCC.
- The legal treatment of questions of immunity in the work and trials under the UNWCC.
- The prosecution of international crimes under the UNWCC framework.
- The right to a fair trial in UNWCC practice.
- The UNWCC as an early example of complementarity.
- The prosecution of crimes against cultural heritage in UNWCC practice.
- The organisational structure of the UNWCC as an institution.
Zgłoszenia (abstrakt do 300 słów) należy przesyłać do 3 maja.
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